Property Management Blog

Know Thy Lease

Know Thy Lease
The history of real estate leasing can be traced back to ancient times, when landowners would lease their land to tenants in exchange for a share of the crops or other forms of payment. However, the concept of a lease document as ... read more >>

DIY HVAC Maintenance

DIY HVAC Maintenance
The heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is one of the most important components of any home. Many of the properties we manage are in Florida, and Florida summers are not to be trifled with. Maintaining an opti... read more >>

Normal Wear and Tear Vs. Actual Damage

Normal Wear and Tear Vs. Actual Damage
One of our goals as a top-rated property management company is to minimize costs for our residents. We’re often asked (by residents and  by property owners) about the difference between normal wear and tear and actual d... read more >>